7th and 8th Chorus

Unit 1


Musician-a person who composes, sings, or plays music


Performer-a person who performs in front of an audience


Style-the way melody, rhythm, and harmony create a special sound


Soloist-a person that performs solo


Call and Response-on person sings the call section of the music and a group sings the response section of the music


Improvisation-make it up as you go


Pop Style-popular music


Rhythm-long and short sounds and silences


Beat-steady and even


Tempo-fast and slow, the speed of the beat


Presto-very fast




Moderato-medium or moderate


Andante-walking tempo




Largo-very slow


Ritardando-gradually getting slower


Accelerando-gradually getting faster


Pitch-high and low sounds


Melody-a single line of musical notes